Bramley Park Academy is a highly inclusive primary school which strives to meet the individual needs of all its learners. We work in partnership with children, parents and other agencies to provide the best possible outcomes for all our children, including those with a range of additional and complex needs. The school’s SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) policy and procedures ensure that high expectations, early intervention and appropriate support for all our children in place to ensure our children reach their full potential.

At Bramley Park Academy we are committed to:

  • The Safeguarding and wellbeing of all children and adults
  • Unlocking every child’s potential to learn and succeed
  • Early intervention and the Early Support principles


Our school is additionally resourced for children with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC). We call this the Launchpad which is a Resource Provision (RP). Twelve places are allocated via SENSAP to children with Education Health Care Plans, whose needs cannot be met in their local school. High levels of specialised staffing in the RP ensure high quality provision, high expectations and excellent outcomes. Learning is personalised for each individual. Children within the Resource Provision have access to more specialised support and resources to meet their specific needs. The amount of time they spend in the mainstream environment and how they access it will depend on their individual needs and their personalised plan. The RP for also an additional resource for any children in school that need further support.

All provision for SEND pupils is overseen and managed by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and is coordinated by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator who is a member of the SLT, we are also have a SEND Manager who works alongside the SENDCO ensuring that the provision we offer meets the children needs. The SLT monitor, review and evaluate all SEND provision on a regular basis throughout the year and report to the school governing body on how individual needs are being met and how SEND funding from the local authority is being spent. Individual families are able to access clear information about how funding is used to support individual learners. Bramley Park Academy’s governing body will be responsible for the well-being and achievement of all children.

What do I do if I think my child may have Special Educational Needs?

If you have concerns regarding your child’s progress or wellbeing, this should first be discussed with your child’s class teacher. You may also wish to contact our SENDCO team Nicola Booth. Arrangements will be made for a meeting where school will listen carefully to concerns and put appropriate actions in place. This may involve observation and assessment in school, additional support within the classroom or referral to external agencies such as Educational Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Special Educational Needs Inclusion Team or the Area Inclusion Partnership. If there are other agencies already involved with your child when they start school, please let us know so that we can work with them to provide the best support for your child.

Full details of our offer for pupils with SEND are available in our SEND Information Report and SEND policy. Information regarding provision for pupils with medical conditions or physical disabilities can also be found in our Medicines Policy and Accessibility Plan.



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Link to Local offer

Link to Leeds offer


Below are a range of useful websites related to SEND 

Leeds MindMate, help you explore emotional wellbeing and mental health issues and offers information for parents, carers, young people and professionals 

Government advice for parents and carers of children with SEND

This links to the government’s guide on what to expect if your child has SEND

Leeds NHS CAHMS  CAMHS information for parents, carers, young people and professionals

SENDIASS Information and advice, for parents/carers, children, and young people with Special Educational Needs.

Free, independent and impartial information and support on the issues that matter to disabled people and their families.