At Bramley Park Academy we have created a long term topic overview that includes a key subject driver. Each year group’s topics are mapped to ensure full coverage of all subject areas and is created to show progression throughout the school.
- Every subject leader has created a progression in skills document to ensure all teachers understand what each subject area should look like for their year group.
- Outcomes for every subject area created by the subject leader to ensure progression throughout each year group and clear understanding of assessment.
- Each topic has an English text linked to ensure a cross-curricular link for extended writing and a rich vocabulary.
- We have pledged to fund trips, visitors and wider experiences for each year group to ensure every child is provided with equal opportunities to enjoy what our topics have to offer.
- Every half term, every class completes a KWL / learning harvest to ensure a child-led and purposeful teaching and learning approach.
- Created an enriching learning environment, where every classroom has a topic display with opportunity to display children’s topic work and create pride within the pupils.
- Our #DoSomethingDifferent homework approach provides children with active, hands-on home learning, where they can involve family members in their topic work and showcase this work in school and in our hall.
- Open afternoons for family members to see their children’s topic work and become involved in creating and sharing part of the topic with their child. (Covid-dependent).
- QA cycles each half term, with a different subject focus to ensure quality across all the subjects and gain important pupil voice feedback.
- Half-termly deep dives into different subject areas to ensure that our topics are fit for purpose and to ensure that teachers are confident at teaching and quality assuring their subject area.
- Knowledge Organisers are displayed at the front of every topic book to ensure the children’s accurate knowledge and exposure to key pieces of information in their topic. These are reinforced through class quizzes/constant referral.
- ‘I Know’ Statement sheets are displayed at the back of every topic book to allow the children to self-assess their knowledge of key information, as well as allow staff to assess children’s knowledge.