Intent, Implement, and Impact
Design and Technology
At Bramley Park Academy, children receive a design and technology curriculum which allows them to exercise their creativity through designing and making. The children are taught to combine their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding in order to design and make a product. Skills are taught progressively to ensure that all children are able to learn and practice in order to develop as they move through the school. Evaluation is an integral part of the design process and allows children to adapt and improve their product, this is a key skill which they need throughout their life. D&T allows children to apply the knowledge and skills learned in other subjects, particularly Maths, Science and Art. Children’s interests are captured through theme learning, ensuring that links are made in a cross curricular way, giving children motivation and meaning for their learning. Children will learn basic cooking skills.
Design and Technology is implemented through our curriculum through the use of a thematic approach.
Each year group has a different theme each half term which enables them to plan using the essential outcomes for Design and Technology.
Each theme has a key curriculum driver and then other areas of the curriculum are planned to develop skills and knowledge to ensure children are receiving a broad and balanced curriculum. Design and Technology is a key driver in the following themes;
Year 1: Summer 2- At the Garage.
Year 2 – Spring 2 – At the Allotment
Year 3 : Spring 1 – At the toy shop.
Year 5 – Summer 2 – At the Fairground.
Year 6 – Spring 2 – In the Dragons Den.
However Design and Technology is completed in all the other themes through the year. After school clubs have been set up to help to enhance and develop the skills that have been taught in class, this inspires children to come and have a go.
Design and Technology in the Early Years
Pupils explore and use a variety of media and materials through a combination of child initiated and adult directed activities. They have opportunities to learn to:
● Explore the textures, movement, feel and look of different media and materials.
● Respond to a range of media and materials, develop their understanding of them in order to manipulate and create different effects.
● Use different media and materials to express their own ideas.
● Explore colour and use for a particular purpose.
● Develop skills to use simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately.
● Select appropriate media and techniques and adapt their work where necessary.
Our motto is to Believe you can try new things. Persevere by practicing your new skills and then you will Achieve !
Design and Technology assessment is ongoing in order to inform teachers with their planning, lessons and differentiation. Design and Technology assessment is completed at the end of each unit in order to track progress and make middle leaders aware of the skills that require further improvement or embedding. Following the schools Quality Assurance monitoring cycle, Design and Technology is monitored across all year groups following a range of strategies such as lesson observations, pupil voice and lesson observations.
QA cycle – January 2020
Year 3 – At the Toy shop
Book Scrutiny
-The children will be excited to build their own toys.
Planning scrutiny
-Children are beginning to gain knowledge in engineering aspects which will help them with d & T.
They have been given time to develop and improve a product.
Pupil Voice
-Children have learned the skill of making toys move. They are going through the process and have a good understanding of what they want to achieve.
Follow the link below to see examples of Design and Technology across the whole school.