
Attendance Policy 2023-2024

Attendance at Bramley Park Academy

At the end of each term, 100% attendees will receive a gold certificate in the school celebration assembly, along with a badge (three to collect) Autumn, Spring & Summer 

Pupils achieving 99.9% to 98%  attendance will also receive a silver certificate and a bronze certificate for 97.9% to 96% attendance 

We celebrate attendance every Tuesday morning in a special assembly, where each class gets a chance to move around the large Classopoly board that is on display in the school hall. 


Classopoly is our monopoly style board game – Each class has their own monopoly piece which moves around the board every week. Each week a child who has had 100% attendance the previous week will be chosen to roll the big dice for their class. There is one special difference about our board though – instead of streets, the squares are all rewards; everything from extra playtimes, art activities, to lemonade, milk shakes, and much more. Also a child from each class, who has had 100% attendance the previous week will win a prize from the special prize box and a 100% sticker  The class with the highest attendance will be able to display a special poster in their classroom for the full week until the next assembly  

Bramley Park Academy’s Mission Statement for Attendance 

  •  Promote children’s welfare and safeguarding,
  •  Ensure that every pupil has access to full-time education to which they are entitled to,
  •  Ensure that pupils succeed whilst at school, and
  •  Ensure that pupils have access to the widest possible range of opportunities.

3 P’s for Attendance at Bramley Park Academy


You can prevent your child by missing school by making sure they understand the importance of good attendance and punctuality.

Take an interest in their education – ask them about school work, and encourage them to get involved in any school activities.

Discuss any problems they may have at school, and inform their teacher or a member of the Pastoral Team about anything serious.

Do not let them take time off school for minor ailments.


Ensure your child arrives at school on time – 8:45AM.
Being continually late can have a detrimental effect on your child’s education.

Minutes late each day Number of days of education lost over a year
5 minutes 3.4 days
10 minutes 6.9 days
15 minutes 10.3 days
20 minutes 13.8 days
30 minutes 20.7 days

Promote an education to your child; let them know that they have to make the most of the educational opportunities available to them.

Irregular school attendance seriously disrupts continuity of learning, undermines progress and leads to underachievement and low attainment.

Give your child the education they are entitled to and deserve – we want them to succeed just as much as you!

What does support look like at Bramley Park Academy?

Here at Bramley Park Academy, we strive to work alongside the parent/carer to ensure your child’s regular attendance and punctuality.

If you have an issue with getting your child to school, you don’t have to struggle alone. Please ring the school office on 0113 256 4888 and we will attempt to arrange for the Pastoral Team to collect your child(ren) if this is convenient.

If you have an ongoing problem, please do not hesitate to arrange an appointment with the Pastoral Team to discuss this further. We want to help in any way that we can!

Absence Protocol at Bramley Park Academy

On the day of absence, please ring the school on 0113 256 4888 to report your child’s absence.

You will need to ring every day to inform school, otherwise it will go down as an unauthorised absence.

For sickness and diarrhea, your child cannot return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of illness. If you are unsure about anything, ring the school office for further advice.

Thank you for your continued support.